Funding opportunities

Erasmus+ scholarship

Since no tuition fee has to be paid for the participation in the study program, neither the Metropolia UAS nor the HTW Berlin award full scholarships for ConREM students. However, as the ConREM programme is a German-Finnish joint degree programme, therefore students are entitled to apply for Erasmus+ scholarship after being enrolled to the study programme. 

ConREM Students who have two years of professional experience (and can thus obtain a degree from the  Metropolia UAS) and Finnish students can apply in Helsinki for an Erasmus+ scholarship for their stay in Berlin in the third semester. ConREM students without two years of professional experience (and who thus cannot obtain a degree from the Metropolia UAS) can apply in Berlin for an Erasmus+ scholarship for their stay in Helsinki in the second semester. 

Other funding opportunities

Since no tuition fee has to be paid for the participation in the study program, neither the Metropolia UAS nor the HTW Berlin award full scholarships for ConREM students. All funding opportunities are summarised on the HTW Berlin website. Students of all other nationalities should make inquiries in their home country as to whether their government provides financial assistance for studying abroad. For German applicants, the best solution is BAföG (German state grant and loan), meanwhile for Finnish applicants is the financial aid, provided by Kela

Combining Work and Study

Studying should be your main focus during your stay in Helsinki as well as in Berlin. However, with the student's residence status, you are entitled to work within a certain limit in Finland as well as in Germany. Although, students should work only during those days, when they are free from studies/school assignments. Being at work is not an acceptable reason to be absent from the lectures.

Within the ConREM program, there are no dedicated modules, that are providing internship positions at companies. However, within a university level, there are available job fairs specially organized for students, where you can contact interested companies, offering student worker positions. Please note, companies are generally offering paid internship positions for master students who are working on specific topics, related to the company profile. It means that, by preparing an appropriate research proposal within the 2. semester of the study program, you can gain significant advantages to obtain these kinds of internship positions! These intership positions are advised to be organised between the 2. and the 3. semester (from May till October) of the study programme.

Regarding employment law, taxation and other student job opportunities, please refer back to the HTW Berlin and to the Metropolia website. Please also note, students from outside the EU are granted a residence permit for a specific purpose – i.e. in order to study. Upon unreasonable discontinuing or de-registering from a study programme, for instance due to permanent work, the residence permit might become invalid.